
Visit to our company from Uludağ University Automotive Engineering Department

On Friday, May 3, Prof. Dr. Gökhan Sevilgen, Head of the Department of Automotive Engineering at Uludağ University, and accompanying faculty members from the Department of Automotive Engineering visited our company.

BATEG (Battery Technologies Research and Development Platform) was introduced at the meeting and cooperation opportunities were evaluated. In addition, R&D internship recruitment, EU projects and TEYDEB 1505 projects were discussed.

Possible collaborations and projects between the university and our company were evaluated at the meeting.

Within the scope of the development of University-Industry cooperation, the future steps to be taken for the evaluation of cooperation opportunities and the effective management of projects were discussed.

We believe that this partnership will contribute to the successful realization of innovative projects in the sector by bringing together both academic and industrial resources.

We would like to thank our esteemed academicians for their valuable visit.